
tuG       thank you God

thank you      an expression used when acknowledging gratefulness

God      Good Orderly Direction

I don’t know what to call it so I call it God

That exquisite flowering of every piece of me I had once relegated to the shadows

or what happens when poetry opens its fist in my heart setting light free.

The seed didn’t know what to call it either, This Song, This Relationship, This thing that led to the exquisite unfoldment of its own Nameless Self.

If you come up with a better name, let me know. 

Until then I’ll call it God, the One who moves me to dip the cup of consciousness into the waters of existence and whispers from every ordinary, precious moment, 

“drink deep.”                        

 Chelan Harkin 


Gratefulness is not something we acquire; it is something we tune into.

- Wayne Dyer

Why tuG?

Psychology and mental health researchers in the past few decades have established and overwhelming connection between gratefulness and good health. The effects of gratitude, when practiced daily produce feelings of long-lasting happiness and contentment. When we express and receive gratitude our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the crucial neurotransmitters that make us feel good. They enhance our mood immediately. We all could use a lil tuG, a visual reminder that every time you feel grateful you are saying more of this, please. A visual reminder that gratefulness in advance is the most powerful state of being. 

Who Is tuG For?

tuG is for me, for you, the impatient, the unsure, the
grateful, the still trying to figure things out, the faking it till you
make it kind of people.